Pages: 476-489
Advanced glycation end products and their receptors level among type II diabetes mellitus in Iraq: A Case-Control Study
Hawraa S. Aljubawi1*, Sami R. Alkatib2 Hayder K. Hassoun3
Category: subject-2
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Objective: To detect if there is any association between serum level of AGE and RAGEwith occurrence and severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Patients and method: The study include 149 patients with type 2 diabetes, those patients recruited from diabetic center in Marjan medical city from Babylon governorateand diabetic center in Al-Sadr medical city from Alnajaf Alashrafgovernorate in the middle of Iraqduring the period from June 2019 to April 2020 .The patients is divided in to 2 group( group I with neuropathy and group II without neuropathy ) according to the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy depending on clinical assessment and results of neurophysiologic studies including conductive velocity, distal latency, amplitude for both sensory and motor nerves of upper and lower limbs. The results were analyzed in relation to AGE and RAGE blood level and compared with matched control group. Both patients and controls sent for biochemical assessment including random blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin. Results: The study found that the serum level of AGEwas significantly higher in patients with diabetic neuropathy than in patients without neuropathy (4146.86±2171.87 VS1299.78±1098.33pg/ml) P <0.001.The study also found that the level of RAGE was also significantly higher in patients with DPN than in patients without DPN (2945.12±1378.08 VS 1185.47±724.79 pg/ml) P <0.001.The serum level of AGE and RAGE constantly and significantly increased with the severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Conclusions: There is significant association between AGE & RAGE serum level with occurrence and severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Keywords: Receptors, advanced glycation, end products, diabetic peripheral neuropathy
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