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Pages: 536-545

Molecular Detection of Some Virulence Factors of Uropathogenic Proteus mirabilis

Ilham A. Bunyan*1, Solav A. Albakery

Category: Subject-1

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In the present study,120 urine samples were collected from patients suffering from urinary tract infection from both sexes and from different ages, during the period from July 2020 to November 2020 from the private laboratories in Hilla, Iraq, to detect Proteus mirablis (P mirabilis)bacteria, and the results of the biochemical tests and Vitek 2 system showed that 36(30%) samples belong to P. mirablis. Some of the virulence factors genes were investigated using Single Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique and they are ureC responsible for production of urease enzyme, hpmA, which is responsible for producing of hemolysin, zapA responsible for production of protease enzyme, rsbA responsible of regulatory of swarming phenomenon, mrp which responsible of mannose-resistant proteus like fimbriae, flaA, responsible for flagella, for the rates of the appearance of these genes were (100%), (100%), (100%), (100%),(80%) and (100%) respectively.

Keywords: Health sciences; Virulence factors; Patients


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