Pages: 554-555
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Some Serological Diagnostic Methods of Toxoplasma Infection Correlated with Some Risk Factors among College Students
Author: Ahmed Hilal Kamel1, *, Marwah Hashem Dawood2
Category: subject-2
Background: Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is an intracellular protozoan parasite. Objective: We performed this study to evaluate the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and investigate the possible risk factors among students in the College of Pharmacy of University of Mosul (CPUM).Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was designed to contain 112blood specimens had been amassed among students in CPUM, from February to May in 2018.The blood specimens have been examined for anti-T. gondii antibodies using Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) and Toxo Rapid Test-Cassette (TRT-C).Univariate and multinomial logistic regression analysis had been used to identify the risk factors for T. gondii infection. Results: The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii by using TRT-C and Toxoplasma ELISA among students in CPUM have been 19.64% and 18.75%, respectively. Significant correlation used to be seen among T. gondii seropositivity and married students (OR=0.081, 95%CI 0.008–0.803, P=0.032) by using TRT-C. Also, significant association used to be showed between T. gondii seropositivity and students lived in urban areas (OR=0.116, 95%CI 0.022–0.619, P=0.012), no cat holders(OR=0.127, 95%CI 0.020–0.831, P=0.031), no smokers (OR=0.074, 95%CI 0.007–0.788, P=0.031), having a habit of eating away from home (OR=0.171, 95%CI 0.036–0.816, P=0.027) and married students (OR=0.017, 95%CI 0.001–0.342, P=0.008) by using Toxoplasma ELISA. No significant association used to be found between T. gondii seropositivity and other categorical variables by using TRT-C and Toxoplasma ELISA like gender, socioeconomic level, visual impairment, and blood groups. Conclusion: The total seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis among students in CPUM in Nineveh province used to be relatively moderate and the odds ratio together with associated T. gondii seropositivity have been less likely happening with significant categorical variables. Awareness introduction about the infection using health extension employees will may additionally be forestalling the infection in the future.
Keywords: Serological methods, Toxoplasma, Prevalence, Correlation, Risk factors, College students
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