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Pages: 947-950

Date of Publication: 21-Jun-2019

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Author: Dyna Grace Romatua Aruan, Tonel Barus, Ginda Haro, Partomuan Simanjuntak

Category: Research


Steroids are secondary metabolites abundantly found in plants. Traditionally, the leaves of durian, Durio zibethinus L. (Malvaceae) have been used as an antipyretic and analgesic by communities in Indonesia. This research was performed to discover the potency of some extracts from the leaves of D. zibethinus L. as antioxidants and
investigate their toxicity. The extracts of durian leaves, D. zibethinus L. was carried out with 96% ethanol, then partitioned with water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate respectively. The antioxidant and toxicity screening was done by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) and free radical scavenging method using diphenyl-1-picylhydrazyl (DPPH). Brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) gave a toxicity LC50 of 195.13; 85.37; and 453.78 ppm for n-hexane, ethyl acetate and water extracts, respectively. Free radical scavenging method using diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl gave an
antioxidant activity IC50 90.58; 48.04; and 171.78 ppm for water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts, respectively. Result of the studies paves the way for further studies on isolation and characterization of the chemical compound as antioxidant and anticancer.

Keywords: Toxicity, Antioxidant, Steroids, Durio zibethinus L., Malvaceae

DOI: 10.31788/RJC.2019.1225204


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Steroids are secondary metabolites mostly analyzed in plants, as these are major constituents of plant pigments. Steroids are used as drugs or food supplements due to their strong antioxidant activity1. Durio zibethinus L. (local name: durian) is species from the Malvaceae family and traditionally has been used as an antipyretic and analgesic. Phytochemical screening revealed that the fruit of this plant contains flavonoids and polyphenol. Pung Manee, Mon Thong, and Chani are a cultivar of Durian have high bioactivity and the main of it were the total polyphenols contributors to the overall antioxidant capacity2. Ethanolic extract from durian seed contains complex secondary metabolites, including proanthocyanine oligomer3. The aim of this research is to discover the toxicity and antioxidant activity of water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate extracts from the leaves of durian (D. zibethinus L.).


Materials used in this research were powdered leaves of D. zibethinus L. collected in Desa Pangaribuan, Sibolga, , Sumatera Utara Indonesia. Chemicals and solvents such as 96% ethanol, n-hexane, ethyl acetate (Sigma), diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), vitamin C (Merck), cysts of Artemia salina (leach) (Wudi Fengtai Aquaculture Co Ltd, China).

Extraction and Purification

The leaves of durian (D. zibethinus L.) powder (1.8 kg) macerated with ethanol 96% 6 times. Maceration process that had done at room temperature4. Then partitioned with n-hexane and ethyl acetate 3 times. All extracts are evaporated and weighed (see the scheme of the extraction process in Fig.-1).

Toxicity Test by Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT)

The toxicity of extract (water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate) was measured by using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method based on Meyer et al., 1982.5 The concentration of the sample were 10, 100, 1000 μg/mL and toxicity measurements were performed in three repetitions. Using this method, the toxicity of all extracts with LC50 value is the concentration of the extract that gives like 50% mortality rate.

Antioxidant Activity Test by Free Radical Scavenging (FRS) Method

The test activity of antioxidant in extracts with Molyneux6 using a reagent 4 mM DPPH (diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl). Calculated DPPH (inhibition) using the formulation of antioxidant activity test by free radical scavenging (FRS):

Inhibition (%) = [(Ao – A1) / Ao] X 100

The absorbance of blank as Ao and absorbance of the sample as A1. The concentration of inhibition IC50 is the concentration of antioxidant value that has inhibit 50% (mg/mL) of free radicals. Value of IC50 was obtained from interline between 50% concentration inhibition axes and the formula Y = a + bx, x showed IC50 value and Y = 50. Accessed to the National Cancer Institute, the active compound from the extract by Institute, compound or extracts are studied to have good activity of antioxidant if it has IC50 value < 20 mg/mL6.


Extraction and Partition

Extraction of 1.8 kg leaves of durian gave 185.2 g of ethanol extract. The Extract of ethanol was partitioned with water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate successful to get extracts of water, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate. The yield of the extracts and debt to equity ration (DER) obtained from ethanol extract listed in Table-1.

Screening of extract ethanol from durian leaf such as steroids/terpenoids, flavonoids, an glycosides7. The result of extraction and partition for samples showed that the water extract had the highest yield (7.04%) among other extracts (0.2 - 0.8%). This result showed that water extract possibly contained a polar compound with a high molecular weight such as glycosides, polyphenols or some polysaccharides which had a correlation with a yield of the extraction process.

Toxicity of Extracts

The value of the toxicity with BSLT displayed that the extract of ethyl acetate gave the highest percentage of mortality with the lowest LC50 of 85.37 ppm. The toxicity test results can be seen in Table-2.

Antioxidant Activities of Extract

The test results of antioxidant free radical scavenging on all extracts showed that ethyl acetate extract gave the highest percentage inhibition (85.57%) with IC50 of 48.05 ppm. These results indicate that the flavonoids and polyphenols contained in durian act as an antioxidant.2,3. The antioxidant activity for all extracts can be seen in Table3.


Ethyl acetate extract has a mortality percentage (LC50 = 85.37 ppm) and IC50 value (48.04 ppm), which is considered as a strong antioxidant (< 50 ppm). This has potential as an antioxidant bioactive compound resource with moderate toxicity.


This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia and Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Science, LIPI, Cibinong, Indonesia.



1. S. Kitamura, Transport of Flavonoids, 2006. From Cytosolic Synthesis to Vacuolar Accumulation, In Grotewold, E., At The Science of Flavonoids. The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, USA, DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-28822-2
2. F. Toledo, P. A. Avila, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 59, 5 (2008). DOI:10.1080/09637480701603082
3. Y. Liu, S. Feng, L. Song, G. He, M. Chen, D. Huang, Secondary Metabolites in Durian Seeds; Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, p.18 (2013), DOI: 10.3390/molecules181114172
4. M. Insanu, Natural Anthraquinone from The Bark of Chincona officinalis L., 12(2), 519(2019), DOI: 10.31788/RJC.2019.1221831
5. B. N. Meyer, Planta Medica., 45, 31(1982), DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-971236
6. P. Molyneux, J. Sci. Technol., 26(2), 211(2004)
7. D. G. R. Aruan, T. Barus, Phytochemical Screeening and Antidiabetic Activity of N Hexane, Ethyl Acetate and Water Extract From Durian Leaves (Durio zibethinus L.), 35(1), 487-(2019), DOI: 10.13005/ojc/350166
8. P.S. Widyawati, T. D. W. Budianta, F. A. Kusuma, and E. L. Wijaya, Intern. J. of Pharmcog. And Phytochem. Res., 6(4), 850(2014)