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Author Guidelines

Instructions to Authors

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Peer Review Policy

Manuscripts are peer reviewed by two reviewers of the individual area of expertise as proposed by the editorial board.

Manuscript can be sent for additional review process if required.

Final decision on the acceptance of a manuscript will be made by the Editors-in-Chief on the basis of the referees' reports.

Peer review process will be confidential where reviewer’s identity will not be revealed and submitted manuscripts will be kept confidential during the review process.


Manuscript Submission

Authors are asked to sign a Copyright form after checking the plagiarism content in the manuscript and before accepting the manuscript for review process.

Submission of a manuscript implies that (a) the work described has not been published before; (b) it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; (c) its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. Authors are liable for the authenticity of the study and reliability of the submitted data. The authors assure that the submitted manuscript does not infringe the copyright of any other third party. Additionally, authors do not allocate the rights of the manuscript to any third party. The manuscript should be written in English language. The acceptance of an article for publication implies that the copyright has been vested with the publishers.



Submitted manuscripts will be screened for plagiarism using specific software (iThenticate). The manuscript has not been published previously (partly or in full), unless the new work concerns an expansion of previous work (please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the hint of text-recycling (“self-plagiarism”).


Preparation of Manuscript

Title Page

The title page of the article should contain

• A brief and informative title  

• Name(s) of author(s)

• Author(s) affiliation(s)

• e-mail, telephone/mobile, fax numbers and full address of corresponding author

• Please clearly mention the type of the article (e.g- Research, Review, Mini Review, Opinion article) on left side of your title page


Please provide abstract between 250-300 words providing summary of your work. Describe the significance of the issue to the scientific society and how the manuscript can contribute towards it. It should not contain any undefined abbreviations.


Please give 5-6 keywords related to article which can increase visibility of your work.


For research articles, text of the manuscript should include Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion (including Conclusion) and acknowledgements. Manuscript should be written in English with Times New Roman-11 point in docx format (Word 2007). For emphasis and scientific names use italics.  


Abbreviations should be described at first mention after that should be consistently used.


Please use bold font for headings and italics for sub-headings


Acknowledgements of funding agencies, people, universities and institutional head should be written if availed.


In the text references should be presented as follows

Please cite the references in the text in consecutive numbers enclosed in square brackets.

For Sample:

Food distribution, being the second leading crop formed and consumed by amount [1].

Pandey et al. [2] have performed this study.

This research has been done by Gupta and Sharma [3].

Many researchers have worked on this organism [4-7].  

Literature Cited

Please arrange the number of the references in sequence of their citation in the text.

For Sample:
Journal Articles

[8]. J. Enjalbert, I. Goldringer, S. Paillard and P. Brabant (1998). Molecular markers to study genetic drift and selection in wheat populations. J. Exp. Bot., 50: 283-290. 

[9]. H.S. Randhawa, M. Asif, C. Pozniak, J. M. Clarke, R. J. Graf, S. L. Fox and D. G. Humphreys et al., (2013). Application of molecular markers to wheat breeding in Canada. Plant Breed., 132: 458-471.  (in case of more than seven authors).

[10]. A.L.Mahana, S.C.Murray, K.Crosbyb and M.P.Scott  (2014). Quality Protein Maize Germplasm Characterized for Amino Acid Profiles and Endosperm Opacity. Crop Sci., doi:10.2135/cropsci2012.11.0658. (if page numbers are not available and doi available).

Book references

[11]. Author name (year). Book title. Publisher.

Thesis references

[12]. Author name (year). Thesis title. (thesis), University name, Country.

Book chapter

Author name (year). Chapter title. Editor surname (ed.), publisher, page number of chapter. (as below).      

[13]. R. S. Rosenberg (2004). The social impact of computers. in D Cartmell (ed.), Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 3-9.

Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal’s name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations, If not available, please use the full journal title


• All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.

• Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, please supply self explaining table caption (title) describing the components of table.

• All tables should be present in the main word file after the references.


• All the figures should be present in JPG/JPEG format in the main word file after the tables.

• Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals as they are cited in the main text. If the figure is having subsections, it can be labeled using figure numbers and lower case alphabets.

• For each figure, please supply self explaining figure caption (title) describing the components.

Paper submission procedure

Authors are requested to provide following documents during the submission

(a) Cover letter including the name of three reviewers with email

(b) Manuscript including tables and figures


Before submitting manuscript, corresponding author should create account with emergent Life Sciences Research. After submitting the manuscript, corresponding author will be provided a manuscript number that will be used in further correspondence. Manuscript should be submitted electronically.

Publication Charges

Article Publication Charge for single accepted manuscript will be as follows:

For Indian Authors: 700 INR

For Other Countries: $30 USD

Article processing charge to cover production and administrative costs are payable after acceptance for publication in this journal.








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